In this talk I will describe the “bootstrability” program, which combines integrability techniques in 4d N = 4 SYM and the conformal bootstrap to study beyond-the-spectrum observables in a CFT.
I will start with a quick review of the quantum spectral curve (QSC), a powerful integrability based method to compute the non-perturbative planar spectrum of N = 4 SYM. I will show how it is modified to capture the spectrum of operator insertions on a 1/2-BPS Maldacena-Wilson line in the theory, thus solving the spectral problem of the associated defect CFT.
Then, I will show how the boostrability approach allows us to access previously unreachable quantities such as correlation functions at finite coupling — we used this method to compute with good precision a non-supersymmetric structure constant for a wide range of the ‘t Hooft coupling in the defect CFT.
Finally, I will present recent results, where we included further spectral input, in order to derive novel integral constraints for our bootstrap procedure, which allows us to improve the precision of our results by several orders of magnitude.
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