Sachchidanand Prasad (IISER Kolkata)
Date & Time
Mon, 29 August 2022, 12:00 to 13:30
Online Seminar
We will recall the notion of cut locus of closed submanifolds in a complete Riemannian manifold. Using Morse-Bott flows, it can be seen that the complement of the submanifold deforms to the cut locus. This enhances our understanding of well-known classical deformation retracts as well as the homotopy type of certain complements. We will also discuss some of the topological properties of the cut locus and will see how it is related with the Thom space.
Zoom link: https://icts-res-in.zoom.us/j/83994971793?pwd=eVR0UkwvVUI1Ynl1NmJvRG9PQ1hNQT09
Meeting ID: 839 9497 1793
Passcode: 292922