Akhil Sivakumar (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru)
Date & Time
Thu, 15 September 2022, 02:30 to 04:30
Online and Madhava Lecture Hall
Fluid/Gravity correspondence suggests that the long wavelength deformations of AdS black branes are dual to configurations of a dissipative fluid. We revisit this duality with the aim of incorporating the effect of Hawking radiation from the black brane. We argue that this problem is equivalent to constructing a theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics. We obtain an effective description of a simmering holographic neutral plasma by studying the Hawking excitations around the Schwarzschild-AdSd+1 black brane.
Zoom link: https://icts-res-in.zoom.us/j/83605256203?pwd=c1VkbzlFTlorWUtIdkNyVjgraUdGZz09
Meeting ID: 836 0525 6203
Passcode: 151522