Exploring Equitable and Climate Compatible Futures | ICTS

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Tejal Kanitkar (National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru)
Date & Time
Tue, 04 June 2024, 15:30 to 17:00
Madhava Lecture Hall

Mitigating climate change requires urgent global efforts. However, the world is starkly unequal in terms of the responsibility for emissions, the financial and technological capacity to take immediate action, vulnerability to climate change, and the capacity to adapt. It is in this context that one must assess the series of global mitigation targets that have emerged from climate policy decisions in recent years. These decisions refer to targets for GHG emissions reduction that are based on the modelled pathways or scenarios assessed by the IPCC. None of these IPCC scenarios meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and all of them project a higher mitigation burden on some of the poorest regions of the world while allowing richer countries to continue using fossil fuels even till 2050. This talk will unpack the underlying regional assumptions in the IPCC’s global modelled pathways, and also present an alternative framework for modelling and scenario building that foregrounds the questions of equity and climate justice in achieving a climate compatible world.

Zoom link: https://icts-res-in.zoom.us/j/97532727145?pwd=cTd3RXgrR09xQ21TVkVJaUNZWDJiUT09

Meeting ID: 975 3272 7145
Passcode: 202406