09:00 to 09:30 |
P.K.Yeung |
Simulating Turbulence: Resolution, extreme events, and towards extreme computing |
09:40 to 10:10 |
Prasad Perlekar |
Energy spectra of buoyancy driven 2D bubbly flows |
10:20 to 10:50 |
Mahendra Verma |
Phenomenology of turbulent thermal convection In this talk I will provide an overview of the recent developments on turbulent convection, namely:
- Using pseudospectral simulations of turbulent thermal convection at very high resolution (4096^3) and high Rayleigh number (Ra = 1.1 × 10^{11}) with unit Prandtl number, we conclude that convective turbulence exhibits behaviour similar to fluid turbulence, that is, Kolmogorov’s k^{−5/3} spectrum with forward and local energy transfers, along with a nearly isotropic energy distribution. The energy transfer diagnostics provide a very useful diagnostics in this investigation.
- The viscous dissipation rate in turbulent convection is not U^3/d, but it is (U^3/d)Ra^{-0.20}. Also, the viscous dissipation in the bulk dominates those in the boundary layers. Using these results, we present a new formulae for the scaling of Reynolds and Nusselt numbers.
- M. K. Verma, A. Kumar, and A. Pandey, Phenomenology of buoyancy-driven turbulence: recent results, New J. Phys. 19, 025012 (2017).
- S. Bhattacharya, A. Pandey, A. Kumar, and M. K. Verma, Complexity of viscous dissipation in turbulent thermal convection, arXiv:1801.01701 (2018).
- M. K. Verma, Physics of Buoyant Flows: From Instabilities to Turbulence, World Scientific, Singapore (March 2018)
11:00 to 11:30 |
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Tea break |
11:30 to 12:00 |
Kandaswamy Subramanian |
Turbulence and magnetic fields beyond the light year scales |
12:00 to 12:30 |
Rama Govindarajan |
The complicated relationship of droplets and vortices Inertial droplets in a turbulent flow are centrifuged out of vortical regions and preferentially occupy regions of strain. We ask how this affects collision and droplet growth and the relative velocity of impact. We show that there is a special radius around a vortex, and droplet dynamics is completely different on either side. The preferential concentration results in inhomogeneous phase change, and hence inhomogeneous temperature, resulting in buoyancy effects which modify the turbulence spectrum. This is work done with S Ravichandran, Jason Picardo, Lokahith Agasthya and Samriddhi Sankar Ray.
12:50 to 14:00 |
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Lunch |
14:00 to 14:30 |
S Ravichandran |
Sedimentation-driven instabilities in mammatus clouds |
14:40 to 15:10 |
V Kumaran |
Soft-wall turbulence |
15:20 to 16:00 |
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Tea break |
16:00 to 17:00 |
Katepalli Raju Sreenivasan |
Turbulent mixing (Lecture 3) A rich variety of features emerges when two substances mix with the aid of turbulence. This talk is a summary of a few major themes on the topic, from the universal to the anomalous. No special knowledge of the subject is expected.