The study of turbulent fluid flow has always been of immense scientific appeal to engineers, physicists and mathematicians because it plays an important role across a plethora of known phenomena, extending from the quantum mechanical all the way to cosmological scales. The purpose of this discussion meeting is to bring together researchers who have made key contributions in various areas of turbulence to describe their latest research results and discuss open problems.
The talks will be in the broad areas listed below and will cover the spectrum from homogeneous isotropic turbulence to situations where shear breaks isotropy (as in the ocean, the atmosphere, solar fluid dynamics, and in engineering flows) to turbulent convection (as in the rotating Sun) and quantum turbulence:
- Basic turbulence
- Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence
- Quantum turbulence
- Cosmological turbulence
- Boundary layers and lab flows
- Geophysical and astrophysical flows
This meeting will be held around the Infosys - ICTS Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar lectures to be delivered by Katepalli Sreenivasan. There will also be a special session to celebrate his scientific career.