Schedule | ICTS

Venue: Ramanujan Lecture Hall (ICTS), Bangalore


The format for the sessions will be panel followed by discussions
Saturday, 2nd December 2017 (9:30am - 5:30pm)
9:30 am Tea/Coffee and Registration
9:45 am Welcome remarks by Prof. Spenta R. Wadia and overview of ICTS by Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar
10:00 am Opening remarks by Dr. K. Kasturirangan
Session 1
10:05 am Improving learning outcomes with a focus on early childhood education and teachers
11:15 am Tea/Coffee
Session 2
11:45 am Educational content – Language, Culture, Values, Indian Knowledge traditions, Science education, Vocational education
1:00 pm Lunch
Session 3
2:00 pm Inclusive Education - including RTE related issues
3:00 pm Tea/Coffee
Session 4
3:30 pm Governance in Education – School and Higher Education
Session 5
4:30 pm Higher Education and Research
5:00 pm K. VijayRaghavan (Skype Talk)