Venue : Madhava lecture hall
June 26, Tuesday | ||
Time | Speaker | Title |
9.30-10.00 |
Registration | |
10.00-10.15 | Inauguration | |
10.15-11.00 | Elena Surovyatkina | Prediction of Indian summer monsoon: from Complex Network to Tipping elements approach |
11.00-11.30 | Tea / Coffee break | |
11.30-12.15 | Rahul Pandit | Cardiac Arrhythmias: What can we learn from Mathematical Models for Cardiac Tissue? |
12.15-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-14.45 | Arun Tangirala | Reconstructing Causal Networks from Data: Overview and Developments (Part 1) |
14.45-15.30 | David Simpson | Fractal structures in multi-dimensional piecewise-linear maps |
15.30-16.00 | Tea / Coffee break | |
16.00-16.45 | Karthik Raman | Predicting reactions in metabolic networks using subgraph mining |
16.45-17.30 | Paul Glendinning | Robust Chaos revisited |
June 27, Wednesday | ||
Time | Speaker | Title |
9.30-10.15 | Sudeshna Sinha | Dynamics of Rewired Network |
10.15-11.00 | Shashi Thutupalli | Chimera states in mechanical oscillator networks |
11.00-11.30 | Tea / Coffee break | |
11.30-12.15 | Abhishek Dhar | Light-cone spreading of perturbations and the butterfly effect in classical spin chains |
12.15-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-14.45 | Manish Shrimali | Explosive death in network of nonlinear oscillators |
14.45-15.30 | Karthik Raman | Enumerating All Possible Biosynthetic Pathways in Metabolic Networks |
15.30-16.00 | Tea / Coffee break | |
16.00-16.45 | Arun Tangirala | Reconstructing Causal Networks from Data: Overview and Developments (Part 2) |
16.45-17.30 | Parongama Sen | Dynamical phenomena on networks: two specific problems |
June 28, Thursday | ||
Time | Speaker | Title |
9.30-10.15 | Hemant Bhate | Galois theory for Schrier graphs: bounded automata, self similar graphs and zeta functions |
10.15-11.00 | G. Rangarajan | Sparse VAR and Network Representations of High Dimensional Time Series Data |
11.00-11.30 | Tea / Coffee break | |
11.30-12.15 | Michael Small | Using networks to detect dynamical regime change in time series |
12.15-13.30 | Lunch | |
14.00-14.45 | N. Nirmal Thyagu | Persistent homology to characterize dynamics - a statistical analysis |
14.45-15.30 | Sarika Jalan | Eigenvector localization of Multilayer networks |
15.30-16.00 | Tea / Coffee break - Posters | |
16.15-17.00 | R.I. Sujith | Complex Networks to Study Dynamical Transitions in Thermoacoustic Systems |
17.00-17.45 | Anurag Singh | Optimal Routing Strategies using Centrality measures in Time Varying Communication Networks |
June 29, Friday | ||
Time | Speaker | Title |
9.30-10.15 | Niloy Ganguly | Opinion and Information Dynamics |
10.15-11.00 | M. Santhanam | Transport on complex networks: Random walks, cover times and extreme events |
11.00-11.30 | Tea / Coffee break | |
11.30-12.15 | Sitabhra Sinha/ Pranay Goel | Medicine and Public Health: A Complex Systems Approach? |
12.15-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-14.45 | Samriddhi Sankar Ray | Decimated Navier-Stokes turbulence |
14.45-15.30 | Prashant Manohar Gade | Dynamic Phase Transitions on Networks |
15.30-16.00 | Tea / Coffee break | |
16.00-16.45 | P. Muruganandam | Synchronization, multi-cluster oscillation death and chimera states in a network of oscillators: Role of initial conditions |
16.45-17.30 | Viktor Avrutin | From power converters to low-dimensional piecewise smooth maps with an unpredictable number of switching manifolds: an unexpected journey |
June 30, Saturday | ||
Time | Speaker | Title |
10.15-11.00 | Sitabhra Sinha | Emergence of voluntary vaccination behavior in social networks of rational agents |
11.00-11.30 | Tea / Coffee break | |
11.30-12.15 | G. Rangarajan | Sparse VAR and Network Representations of High Dimensional Time Series Data |
12.15-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-14.45 | Amit Apte | Mark ov random field model for the Indian monsoon rainfall |
14.45-15.45 | Samriddhi Sankar Ray | Dynamics of non-spherical particles and chains |
15.45-16.15 | Tea / Coffee break | |
16.15-17.00 | Round Table |