Course 1 : Statistical physics of biological evolution by Joachim Krug (Cologne, Germany)

Lecture 1 : Stochastic models of population dynamics: Wright-Fisher and Moran models; fixation; diffusion theory.

Lecture 2 : Fitness landscapes I: Epistasis and sign epistasis; sequence spaces; measures of fitness landscape ruggedness.

Lecture 3 : Fitness landscapes II: Random field models; accessibility percolation

Lecture 4 : Dynamics on fitness landscapes I: Origin-fixation models; mutational landscape model and adaptive walks.

Lecture 5 : Dynamics on fitness landscapes II: Rank order processes; extreme value theory in evolutionary biology.


Course 2 : Extremes and records by Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI, Bangalore)

1. Typical vs extreme events --- an introduction.

2. Limit laws for sample mean (or the sum) of i.i.d. random variables.

3. Limit laws for extreme values of i.i.d. random variables.

4. Crowding of events near extreme events -- a quantitative measure to describe it.

5. Record statistics for i.i.d. random variables and random walks.


Course 3 : Random matrix theory and related topics by Satya N. Majumdar (Orsay, France)

Course outline


Course 4 : Statistical physics of hard rods by Deepak Dhar (IISER, Pune)

Course outline


Course 5 :  Heat transport in low-dimensional systems by Abhishek Dhar (ICTS, Bangalore)

Lecture 1 : Introduction: Microscopic approaches and signatures of anomalous heat transport

Lecture 2 : Heat Conduction in harmonic crystals --- the quantum Langevin approach .

Lecture 3 : Heat conduction in harmonic crystals --- application to disordered harmonic crystals .

Lecture 4 : Exactly solvable stochastic models of anomalous heat transport

Lecture 5 : Understanding anomalous heat transport using theory of non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamics.

1) Heat Transport in low-dimensional systems, A. Dhar, Advances in Physics 57, 457 (2008).
2) Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions: From Statistical Physics to Nanoscale Heat Transfer -
Lecture notes in physics Volume 92  (2016).


Course 6 : From classical elasticity to topological mechanics by Tom Lubensky (UPENN., USA)

Course outline