
We will have 1 hr sessions each focused on one topic. This will include a 10-minute introductory remarks by the chair followed by a 20-minute overview talk that summarizes the current status and outstanding questions in the field. This will be followed by discussions involving all the participants.


Here is a list of sessions and tentative speakers and session chairs. Each session will be actively shaped by the session chair and overview speaker in collaboration with the organizers. 

  Chair Speaker
Introduction & overview P. Ajith Patrick Brady
GW data analysis: Searches, parameter estimation and new methods Anand Sengupta Tejaswi Venumadhav
Probes of nuclear and particle physics using GW observations Debarati Chatterjee (online) Ranjan Laha
Probes of gravity using GWs K. G. Arun Sumanta Chakraborty
Continuous GW sources and physics Arunava Mukherjee David Keitel (online) 
Stochastic GW background Sanjit Mitra Suvodip Mukherjee
GW burst sources Archana Pai (online) L. Resmi
Astrophysics & Cosmology Shasvath Kapadia Susmita Adhikari, Sourav Chatterjee (online)
Multi-messenger astronomy Kuntal Mishra (online) Shriharsh Tendulkar (online)
Theoretical modelling of GW sources Chandra Kanta Mishra Prayush Kumar
Science with future detectors Rajesh Nayak B. S. Sathyaprakash (online)
Panel discussion: Growing the Indian GW science community. Taking it ahead. Bala Iyer Patrick Brady, Jayaram Chengalur, Ajit Kembhavi (online), Ajit Kumar Mohanty, Shankar V. Nakhe, P. Sreekumar (online), R. Srianand
Concluding remarks   Ajit Kumar Mohanty