Aug 21, Wednesday at 17:30 - 19:00


Sl. No. Name Poster title
1 Abhirup Bhattacharya Quantum extremality from relative entropy in holographic CFTs
2 Abhisek Sahu A cosmology to multi-boundary black hole phase transition in 2+1 dimensions
3 Akashdeep Roy Aspects of dS/CFT Holography
4 Akhil Sivakumar Real-time correlators and Euclidean modular flow .
5 Anurag Sarkar Chaotic and Thermal aspects in the HES S-Matrix
6 Baishali Roy Different aspects of Floquet Conformal Field Theories and their holographic duals.
7 Banashree Baishya An equivalence of three butterflies
8 Bilyana Lyudmilova Tomova Soft Edges
9 Dimitrios Patramanis A geometric smorgasbord of complexities
10 Hareram Swain Semiholographic EFT, strange metals and Blackhole microstate
11 Harsh dS Teukolskey Gravitational waves
12 Harshit Rajgadia Bulk Reconstruction from Canonical Purification
13 Julian De Vuyst Crossed products and quantum reference frames: on the observer dependence of gravitational entropy
14 Jyotirmoy Mukherjee In this talk, I would like to discuss entanglement properties of the graviton in ground state and in excited states created under local quenches. I will present the contribution of gravitational edge modes across a spherical entangling surface. I will also present the behavior of the entanglement

growth when an excitation created by curvature perturbations passes across a co-dimension-2 entangling surface.

15 Krishna Jalan Generalized Second Law for Non-minimally Coupled Matter Theories
16 Manish Ramchander Half-sided Translations and the Information Recovery from Radiation
17 Mrityunjay Nath (E)OPE blocks as building blocks in de-Sitter space.
18 Nitesh Kumar Dubey Vacuum Entanglement and the event horizon
19 Pallabi Dey Critical Properties of the Ising and Potts Models in
20 Poulami Mukherjee Hyperbolic Space
21 Pradipta Sankar Pathak Normal Modes of the Stretched Horizon: A Bulk Mechanism for Black Hole Microstate Level Spacing
22 Pratik Das Geometric interpretations of entropy and bit threads
23 Pratik Nandy Operator dynamics in Lindbladian SYK model
24 Priyadarshi Paul Interacting Fields at Spatial Infinity
25 Ritam Basu Complexity Growth and the Krylov-Wigner function
26 Sabyasachi Maulik Log temperature correction to near-extremal rotating black holes in AdS
27 Sarthak Talukdar A Hint of FZZ Duality in Higher Dimensions
28 Somnath Porey Phases of Periodically driven CFTs and Von Neumann algebras
29 Souparna Nath Complexity Growth and the Krylov-Wigner function
30 Srijan Kumar On thermal one point functions at large $d$ and spin.
31 Sriram Akella Multi-entropy in stabilizer states
32 Vaibhav Burman A smooth horizon without a smooth horizon
33 Vivek Singh Information spread in Euclidean Path Integral States and hints of Entanglement Wedge in Double Scaled SYK model.