Timings |
Name |
Title |
Monday Feb 10 |
1615-1630 |
Arhum Ansari |
Inflationary non-Gaussianities in alpha vacua and consistency with conformal symmetries |
1645-1700 |
Rahul Shaw |
Compton amplitude for Higher spin particles |
1715-1730 |
Sudeepan Datta |
Hypergeometric structures in Feynman Integrals |
Thursday Feb 13 |
1600-1615 |
Siddharth Prabhu |
Feynman diagrams from conformal integrals |
1615-1630 |
Shweta Singh (online) |
Photoelectric effect and dual nature of light |
1630-1645 |
Saurabh Pant (online) |
Inverse soft construction of scattering amplitudes |
1645-1700 |
Amit Suthar |
Positive Geometries, Corolla Polynomial and Gauge Theory Amplitudes |
1700-1715 |
Vatsal |
Matter-Chern–Simons theory on S^2 x S^1 at large-N in the ‘temporal’ gauge |
1715-1730 |
Vivek S Babu |
Exploring Non-Normalizable Wavefunctions in Extreme Gravitational Conditions |
Thursday Feb 20 |
1600-1615 |
Nicholas Joseph Early (online) |
Adventures in Configuration Space |
1615-1630 |
Emma Albertini |
Interacting QFT on causal sets |
1630-1645 |
Chandramouli Chowdhury |
Simplicity of Cosmological Correlators |
1645-1700 |
Jonah Stalknecht |
Loop Integrands from Lightcone Geometries |
1715-1730 |
Subramanya Hegde |
On-shell functions on the Coulomb branch of N = 4 SYM |