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JUNE 29, 2016

Please note that Application to the program is a two step process. 

Step 1: Register yourself as an ICTS user.

Step 2: Go to the program home page, click on APPLY, and on the page that opens, click on the link APPLICATION FORM. Fill the form that opens, and save it. Saving the form submits it, and you can revise it until July 15.

Some applicants may have only completed Step 1 and registered themselves as an ICTS user. If they did not carry out Step 2 then we do NOT have their application, and it is not possible to consider them for participation. If this is the case, please also complete Step 2 so that we receive your application. Thank you.



GOAL OF THE PROGRAM: The program aims to introduce interested young researchers to exciting recent developments in our understanding of quantum physics, both theoretical and experimental. For an extended period of three weeks, we aim to bring together aspiring students and post-docs, and world renowned experts, to share a common platform to discuss how well we understand quantum theory, and its relation to gravity. It is our sincere hope and endeavour that the program will serve as a fertile ground for lively discussions, exchange of new ideas, and setting up of new collaborations.

The program will consist of pedagogical lectures, tutorials, specialised talks by experts, contributory talks by participants, poster sessions, and panel discussions.

PARTICIPATION IS BY INVITATION ONLY. Please see below for the application procedure.

Who can apply: The program is open to graduate students and post-docs, to junior faculty (who have obtained their Ph. D. degree in the last ten years), and to Masters students / senior undergraduates.

When to apply: Registration will open on 1st April, 2016, and close on June 30, 2016.

How to apply: This is a two-step procedure: 

1. Every applicant must first register themselves as an ICTS user by clicking on the `ICTS user' button on the left sidebar. Students and postdocs: please add details of education (B. Sc. /M.Sc. / Ph.D. completed or expected etc.). In the "Research Interests" field, please give a link to your webpage containing your CV or upload a PDF file of your CV by clicking on "Upload" button or both.

2. Then, stay logged as an ICTS user, and go to the FPQP home page and click on APPLY. On the page that opens, click on the link APPLICATION FORM, and fill and save the form. [Clicking on SAVE submits the form, and you can update it until July 15, 2016]. 

Students and post-docs are requested to ask one referee to submit a letter of recommendation to by June 30, 2016 with the subject line "Letter of Recommendation for Applicant Name"

 What to apply for: Students and post-docs can choose to apply for the whole program or for only the first two weeks (school). Junior faculty can choose to apply for the whole program or for only the third week (discussion meeting). We will try our best to satisfy your chosen option, but for logistic reasons we maybe compelled to offer invitation onlyto the school, or only to the discussion meeting.

Selection Criteria: For logistic reasons we can admit at most 50 applicants. If a larger number of applications is received, we will be compelled to make a selection, based on the applicant's academic record, and also with an aim to arrive at a reasonable distribution amongst students, post-docs and faculty.

Financial Support: To the extent possible, participants are requested to obtain travel support from their own sources. For domestic travel within India, limited travel support is available from the program budget. Reimbursement will be made against actual travel expense, but limited to a maximum of Rs. 4,000/- per participant. Air travel can be reimbursed only if the national carrier Air India is used. Local hospitality will be provided by the program. This includes campus accommodation at ICTS [on twin sharing basis], and all meals. There is no registration fee. 

Decisions: Decision on applications will be communicated on or before August 15, 2016.