Aditya Singh Rajput Awarded Sarojini Damodaran International Student Travel Fellowship | ICTS

04 December 2024

ICTS graduate student Aditya Singh Rajput has been awarded the pan-TIFR Sarojini Damodaran International Student Travel Fellowship.

Aditya works on biophysics with Professor Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy. He will be visiting the Turing Centre for Living Systems at AIX Marseille University for a research collaboration. “We are trying to understand some aspects of morphogenesis of the early Drosophila embryo,” said Aditya.

“Congratulations to Aditya for his excellent work which has bagged this fellowship for him,” said Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar, Centre Director, ICTS-TIFR.

“I feel very grateful for this opportunity,” said Aditya. ICTS wishes him the best wishes for a productive collaborative visit.