15 July 2024

ICTS-TIFR’s Professor Ashoke Sen received the 2024 ICBS Frontiers of Science Award, announced during the International Congress of Basic Sciences (ICSB) in Beijing on 14 July 2024, which stated: “The International Congress for Basic Science honors top research, with an emphasis on achievements from the past ten years which are both excellent and of outstanding scholarly value.”

Ashoke received the award for his path-breaking work on exact computation of a class of non-perturbative effects in string theory which could be compared with a dual matrix quantum mechanics. He researches string theory, a theory that tries to give a unified description of all matter and the forces between them based on the postulate that the elementary constituents of matter are tiny one dimensional (string-like) objects instead of point particles. His specific research interests include S-duality, tachyon condensation, black hole entropy, and superstring perturbation theory.

This is the second time that someone from ICTS has received this international recognition, after Professor Rajesh Gopakumar, Centre-Director, ICTS-TIFR, received the award in the inaugural edition of the ICSB last year.

ICTS congratulates Ashoke and for continuing on his quest with more breakthroughs.