Fall applications are open
Deadline: 31 December 2019
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR), Bengaluru host vibrant in-house postdoctoral program. Founded in 2007, ICTS is a new initiative in Indian science. It is conceived to contribute to the growth of excellence in the basic sciences through its programs, interactions and cross-fertilization between disciplines. ICTS provides a platform and infrastructure to organize various activities in theoretical natural sciences and mathematics.
ICTS has an active in-house research program. Current research spans the following broad areas: Complex systems: Non-linear dynamics and Data assimilation, Statistical physics, Fluid dynamics and turbulence, Condensed matter physics, Physical biology; Space-time physics: String theory and Quantum field theory, Astrophysical relativity; Mathematics: Differential geometry, Mathematical physics, Dynamical systems, Data assimilation, Monsoon dynamics, Analysis of partial differential equations and applications. Other areas under active consideration are cosmology, multiscale and complex systems including interfaces with theoretical biology, computer science and computational sciences with strong interface to other research areas at ICTS.
ICTS invites application for various postdoctoral positions twice every year, once in summer (typical deadline for application: June) and then in fall (typical deadline for application: December). Interested candidates should apply online. Applications received after the deadline may also be considered till the positions are filled.
Special CEFIPRA position: Applicants for the group working at the interface of quantum statistical mechanics and open quantum systems, headed by Dr Manas Kulkarni, will be automatically considered for an Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) special post-doctoral position. CEFIPRA post-doctoral fellows will spend 1 year at École Normale Supérieure (ENS) in Paris, and 1 year at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS-TIFR) in Bangalore. A third year will be offered if performance is satisfactory and funds are available, within the project duration.
For more information on this positon, contact either
Camille Aron (aron@lpt.ens.fr)
Manas Kulkarni (manas.kulkarni@icts.res.in)
Duration of fellowships: Initial appointments will be for a period of two years, which will be renewable for the third year in exceptional cases after an academic review.
How to apply: Interested candidates can APPLY ONLINE with their CV, list of publications, a research proposal (not more than two pages) and a covering letter (PDF). The applicants also need to arrange at least two recommendation letters for this position.
Deadline (For regular post doctoral fellowship): 31 December 2019
*Applications may be considered after the deadline in case there is a vacancy. The nominal starting date of September 1, 2020 is negotiable.
Details for regular postdoctoral fellowship positions:
The honoraria applicable are as follows:
Designation |
Initial qualification |
Fellowship (per month) |
Regular postdoctoral fellows |
Thesis submitted |
32,000/- |
Ph.D |
47,000/- |
Ph.D + 1 year |
49,000/- |
Ph.D + 2 years |
54,000/- |
This fellowship carries an annual contingency grant as per norms.
Housing Rent Allowance: The postdoctoral fellows are eligible for ICTS accommodation (on/off campus) or compensation towards Housing Rent Allowance (HRA) as per current norms.
Medical Benefits: The postdoctoral fellows will be entitled for medical benefits as per current norms.
Research facilities: ICTS offers access to high-performance computing facilities, in-house library and to most scientific journals. Support for travel for participation in important international meetings is also available. Postdoctoral fellows will also have opportunities to participate in teaching of graduate courses at ICTS.
Apart from the regular faculty members, ICTS has an extended associate faculty actively involved in the research and program activities. ICTS organizes around 10-25 programs every year, on diverse topics not restricted to the research interests of the ICTS faculty. The Centre also has an extensive visitor program. Research groups at ICTS are part of, amongst others, the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Indian Initiative in Gravitational-Wave Observations, Mathematics and Climate Research Network, Indo-French Center for Applied Mathematics, etc. click here for more information.
Important links