A Life of Resonance with Quantum Matter: P.W. Anderson (1923-2020) | ICTS

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Kaapi with Kuriosity
Ganapathy Baskaran (Professor Emeritus, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, and Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Sunday, 23 August 2020
Livestream via the ICTS YouTube channel

Quantum matter refers to a piece of rusted iron, a grain of sand or a drop of water etc. By thinking deeply about these earthly materials and combining valuable clues from experimental results, P.W. Anderson, a theoretical physicist and a quantum mechanic par excellence helped discover some secrets of nature: origin of mass of elementary particles (electron etc.), glitches in pulsar periods, magnetism, superconductivity, science of complexity etc. His works exemplified hierarchical nature of science rather deeply. I will weave a story and share some personal anecdotal experiences with this remarkable and humane Nobel Laureate.

Picture credit- Cartoon of PW Anderson drawn by a friend of his on the occasion of Anderson's 60th birthday and given by Anderson to Baskaran