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Other Events
Claudia Silva (Professional photographer and videographer)
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Monday, 13 February 2023
Foyer Area, Chandrasekhar Auditorium, ICTS-TIFR

Event Description

"KŌLAM, A WESTERN PERSPECTIVE" is an event consisting of the following:

- A photography exhibition

- An introductory talk by Claudia Silva about kōlam from various points of view: audiovisual, anthropological, educational, ephemeral art, women's traditions and ethnomathematical aspects

- A live performance by Jayanthi Murugesh, a kōlam artist from South India

- A kōlam workshop: whether you have experience or not, this is an invitation to try to draw on the floor a kōlam design, to have the opportunity to gather with some other people around art and creation.

* Registration is mandatory to attend the event.

About the Speaker

Claudia Silva is a professional photographer and videographer. She has also studied drama and currently is a research student on Cultural and Social Anthropology after being trained in communication skills in children's education. She developed  "Kōlam: a Western Perspective"  and "Kōlam: An Ephemeral Women´s Art of South India", during travels to Tamil Nadu from 2012 to 2020. The work presented here is part of her audiovisual research on traditional practices in different parts of the world, and their anthropological value. Her work is focused on the relation between art, education and science. Exhibitions of Claudia´s kōlam photographs have taking place in various international institutions including the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Madrid, the University of Porto, Wolfson College (University of Oxford), the Simons center for Geometry and Physics (Stony Brook University, New York), École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and Autónoma University of Madrid. Originally from Bogotá (Colombia), she moved to Spain more than 20 years ago and currently lives in Madrid.