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Srikanth Pai (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences) and Pallavi Bhat (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences)
10:00 am to 1:45 pm Friday, 26 August 2022
Foyer Area, Chandrasekhar Auditorium, ICTS-TIFR

Program Description

Promise in Science and Mathematics (PRISM) program aims to provide a hands-on experience with science and mathematics experiments to school students. 

This event had two sessions. The 1st session was a Hands-on Maths Circle Session ( in Kannada, involving geometrical construction and maths puzzles, this session was led by Srikanth Pai (ICTS-TIFR). The 2nd session was a science talk in Kannada, ‘Our Universe’, by Pallavi Bhat (ICTS-TIFR), which touched upon interesting phenomena at large length scales.

*This event is part of the DAE iconic week celebrations of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav from August 22 - August 28, 2022.