Kaushik Basu (University of California, Berkeley)
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Thursday, 15 December 2022
Foyer Area, Chandrasekhar Auditorium, ICTS-TIFR


Program Description

This will be a hands-on exploration of everyday physical phenomena, ranging from static electricity and magnetism to experiencing sound waves to exploring the interference of light waves to create color and patterns.


Open to school students in grades 9th - 12th and undergraduate Science Students in Bengaluru. Please register using the registration link above, for group participation write to ''. Participation is by invitation only.

About the Speaker

I am an instructor in Math and Physics at the graduate school of education at the University of California at Berkeley. I develop and teach both enrichment and accelerated summer classes for students from the San Francisco Bay Area as well as visiting students from South Korea and Singapore. I also mentor undergraduate teaching interns interested in careers in STEM education, and help other teachers in the program structure their curriculum. Classes I have taught in recent years include a hands-on electronics class that explores circuit design through projects, an electromagnetism class for international students with a focus on experiments, and an applied physics class which introduced Newtonian mechanics by analyzing simple toys. I also teach physics and art at Proof School in San Francisco, have been a workshop developer at the Pacific Pinball museum, and a speaker at the Marin Math Circle.