PEOPLE Program Committee (Former)
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
  GautamBhattacharyya  sahaacin

Research Interests:
Gautam Bhattacharyya (b. 1966) is a particle phenomenologist. He got his Ph.D. from Calcutta University in 1993, and held postdoctoral positions at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (1994-95) and INFN Pisa, Italy (1996-97) before joining Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics as a faculty in 1998.


Gautam's main area of research is `Physics beyond the Standard Model'. He has worked extensively in the phenomenological aspects of Super symmetry and Extra Dimension and is currently investing most of his time in exploring the synergy between `collider (mainly, LHC)' and `flavor' physics. Of late, he has written an extensive review on different avenues of `Electroweak Symmetry Breaking' by comparing and contrasting Super symmetric Higgs, Little Higgs, Holographic Higgs and Higgsless models.