BTech in Chemical Engineering, VIT University Vellore (2011)
PhD in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2017)
Fulbright-Nehru fellow at the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida (2015-2016)
Click here for my PhD thesis
Research Interests:
Particles and Filaments in Turbulence:
transport, settling, collision-coalescence, role of flow structures -
Multiphase Micro-Flows:
instabilities in layered flows, mixing and transport, surfactants, elastic membranes -
Patterns and Flows in Biology:
Insect nest structures, active flows in the cell cortex, pulmonary mucus dynamics -
Fundamental Questions in Pattern Formation:
pattern selection, multi-scale interaction of instability modes, transient base states -
Reduced-order Modelling of Transport Phenomena:
center-manifold/Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction, weighted-residual methods
Click here for a full list of publications on Google Scholar
Flow structures govern particle collisions in turbulence
Jason R. Picardo, L. Agasthya, R. Govindarajan and S. S. Ray,
Physical Review Fluids (Rapid), 4, 032601, 2019 -
Understanding droplet collisions through a model flow: Insights from a Burgers vortex
L. Agasthya, Jason R. Picardo, S. Ravichandran, R. Govindarajan and S. S. Ray,
Physical Review E, 99, 063107, 2019 -
Preferential sampling of elastic chains in turbulent flows
Jason R. Picardo, D. Vincenzi, N. Pal and S. S. Ray,
Physical Review Letters, 121, 244501, 2018 -
Sliding instability of draining fluid films
G. Dietze, Jason R. Picardo and R. Narayanan,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 857, 111-141, 2018 -
Layered two-phase flows in microchannels with arbitrary interface-wall contact angles
R. Dandekar, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Chemical Engineering Science, 192, 1058-1070, 2018 -
Interfacial pattern selection in defiance of linear growth
Jason R. Picardo and R. Narayanan,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 829, 345-363, 2017 -
Numerical study of enhanced mixing in pressure-driven flows in microchannels using a spatially periodic electric field
T. Krishnaveni, T. Renganathan, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Physical Review E, 96(3), 033117, 2017 -
Solutal Marangoni instability in layered two-phase flows
Jason R. Picardo, Radhakrishna T.G. and S. Pushpavanam,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 793, 280-315, 2016 -
Centrifugal instability of stratified two-phase flow in a curved channel
Jason R. Picardo, P. Garg and S. Pushpavanam,
Physics of Fluids, 27, 054106, 2015 -
Low Dimensional Modeling of Transport and Reactions in Two-Phase Stratified Flow
Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54 (42), 10481–10496, 2015 -
Laterally stratified flow in a curved microchannel
Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 75, 39–53, 2015 -
Understanding the Shape of Ant Craters: A Continuum Model
Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77 (3) 470–487, 2015 -
Chaotic mixing in a planar, curved channel using periodic slip
P. Garg, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Physics of Fluids, 27, 032004, 2015 -
Modeling Extraction in Microchannels with Stratified Flow: Channel Geometry, Flow Configuration and Marangoni Stresses
Jason R. Picardo, Radhakrishna T.G., A. B. Vir, S. Ramji and S. Pushpavanam,
Indian Chemical Engineer, 57 (3-4), 322-358, 2015 -
Vertically stratified two-phase flow in a curved channel: Insights from a domain perturbation analysis
P. Garg, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Physics of Fluids, 26, 073604, 2014 -
Shifting and breakup instabilities of squeezed elliptic jets
D. S. Pillai, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 67, 189–199, 2014 -
Performance Comparison of Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Parallel Microflows
A. B. Vir, A. S. Fabiyan,, Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(19), 8171-8181, 2014 -
Holdup characteristics of two-phase parallel microflows
A. B. Vir, S. R. Kulkarni,, Jason R. Picardo, A. Sahu and S. Pushpavanam,
Microfludics and Nanofluidics, 16, 1057-1067, 2014 -
Core-annular two-phase flow in a gently curved circular channel
Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
AIChE Journal, 59, 12: 4871-4886, 2013 -
On the conditional superiority of counter-current over co-current extraction in microchannels
Jason R. Picardo and S. Pushpavanam,
Microfludics and Nanofluidics, 15, 5: 701-713, 2013 -
The Merkel equation revisited: A novel method to compute the packed height of a cooling tower
Jason R. Picardo and J. E. Variyar,
Energy Conversion and Management, 57: 167-172, 2012