Associates (Former)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru
Area of Research:
Statistical Physics, Evolutionary Biology

Research Interests
- Statistical Mechanics
- Population Genetics
- A. Nagar and K. Jain, Exact phase diagram of quasispecies model with mutation rate modifier , Physical Review Letters, 102, 038101 (2009).
- R. Marathe, K. Jain and A. Dhar, Particle current in symmetric exclusion process with time-dependent hopping rates, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P, 11014 (2008).
- K. Jain, Loss of least-loaded class in asexual populations due to drift and epistasis, Genetics, 179, 2125 (2008).
- K. Jain, Evolutionary dynamics of the most populated genotype on rugged fitness landscapes, Physical Review E, 76, 31922 (2007).
- K. Jain and J. Krug, Deterministic and stochastic regimes of asexual evolution on rugged fitness landscapes, Genetics, 175, 1275 (2007).
- K. Jain, F. Bouchet and D. Mukamel, Relaxation times of unstable states in systems with long range interactions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P, 11008 (2007).
- K. Jain, R. Marathe, A. Chaudhuri and A. Dhar, Driving particle current through narrow channels using classical pump, Physical Review Letters, 99, 190601 (2007).
- K. Jain and J. Krug, Evolutionary trajectories in rugged fitness landscapes, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, (2005).
- K. Jain, Nonuniversal exponents in sandpiles with stochastic particle transfer, Europhysics Letters, 71, 8 (2005).
- K. Jain, A simple soluble model of active-absorbing state transition, Physical Review E, 72, 17105 (2005).
- K. Jain and M. Barma, Dynamics of a disordered, driven zero range process in one dimension, Physical Review Letters, 91, 135701 (2003).
- R. D. Willmann, G. M. Schutz and K. Jain, Diffusion in a generalized Rubinstein-Duke model of electrophoresis with kinematic disorder, Physical Review E, 67, 61806 (2003).
- M. Barma and K. Jain, Locating the minimum: Approach to equilibrium in a disordered, symmetric zero range process, Pramana-Journal of Physics, 58, 409 (2002).
- K. Jain and M. Barma, Phases of a conserved mass model of aggregation with fragmentation at fixed sites, Physical Review E, 64, 16107 (2001).