Academic Profile:
Postdoc at the Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Jena (2011-2014)
Ph.D. (August 2011): Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University
B.S. (May 2006): Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Georgia
B.MUS. (May 2006): Hugh Hodgson School of Music, The University of Georgia
Research Interests:
My general interests are in relativistic astrophysics, particularly gravitational waves.
The physical systems I study are primarily compact binaries and isolated neutron stars.
To study these systems, I use the techniques of numerical relativity, the post-Newtonian approximation, and black hole and stellar perturbation theory, in addition to other techniques to study neutron star matter.
Email: nathan[dot]jm[at]icts[dot]res[dot]in