About me:
I am interested in the areas of fluid dynamics, turbulence, dynamical systems, and statistical physics. For my PhD thesis, I have studied the implications of inviscid hydrodynamics, such as the one-dimensional Burgers equation and the three-dimensional, incompressible Euler equa-
tion, on turbulent flows and statistical physics.
My PhD thesis advisor is Prof. Samriddhi Sankar Ray
Phone: 91-9952068375
Email: sugan.murugan@icts.res.in
Github: https://github.com/vsdmgithub
List of Publications:
1. Suppressing thermalization and constructing weak solutions in truncated inviscid equations of hydrodynamics: Lessons from the Burgers equation, Sugan Durai Murugan, U. Frisch, S. Nazarenko, N. Besse, and S. S. Ray.
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033202(2020)
2. Many-body Chaos in Thermalised Fluids, Sugan Durai Murugan, D. Kumar, S. Bhattacharjee, and S. S. Ray.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 124501(2021)
3. Genesis of thermalization in the three-dimensional, incompressible, Galerkin-truncated Euler equation, Sugan Durai Murugan and S. S. Ray.
Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, 084605(2023)
4. Turbulent flows are not uniformly multifractal, S. Mukherjee, Sugan Durai Murugan, R. Mukherjee, and S. S. Ray.
Turbulence, fluid dynamics, DNS, non-equilibrium statistical physics, non- linear dynamics, many-body chaos, multi-fractal spectrum, thermalization, weak solution, singularity, shell models, closure models, EDQNM, dynamo problem.