Adjunct Professor (Former)
Fermilab, Stanford University, USA
Area of Research:
Particle, Plasma and Beam Physics, Particle Colliders, Synchrotron Radiation Sources, Free Electron Lasers, Quantum Sensors, Cavity QED and Atomic Interferometers

Distinguished Scientist Emeritus, Fermilab
Adjunct Professor of Photon Science, SLAC/Stanford University
Faculty Affiliate/Guest Senior Scientist, LBNL/UC Berkeley
Honorary Scientific Associate, CERN
Research Interest:
- Quantum Sensors: techniques to explore the "dark sector" of nature: 'dark matter' and 'dark energy': cavity QED and atomic interferometers
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Particle Colliders and Free Electron Lasers
- Physics of charged particle and photon beams; nonlinear beam electrodynamics, coherent instabilities; phase-space cooling techniques; 'quantum degenerate' beams
- Novel Plasma Wakefield particle acceleration techniques
- Investigation of the fundamental constituents and forces in nature and structure and function of 'complex' materials