Indranil Biswas (TIFR, India), A. J Paramaswaran (TIFR, India), S Subramanian (TIFR, India) and Vijaylaxmi Trivedi (TIFR, India)
03 May 2010 to 14 May 2010
TIFR, Mumbai

The emphasis of this program will be on vector bundles and its connections with other topics in algebraic and differential geometry. There will be lecture series as well as individual research talks.

List of speaker:

1.  Jaume Amoros, Barcelona University
2.  Ajneet Dhillon, University of Western Ontario
3.  Tomas L. Gomez, CSIC madrid
4.  Vicente Munoz, CSIC Madrid
5.  Jacques Hurtubise, MCGill University
6.  Amit Hogadi
7.  Usha Bhosle
8.  N. Nitsure
9. Graeme Wilkin, Colorado University
10. Norbert Hoffmann, Freie Universitaet Berlin
11. Joao Pedro P. dos Santos, Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu
12. Marina Logares, University of Porto
13. Georg Schumacher, Marburg University
14. V. Balaji, CMI, Chennai

List of Participants

 i) S. Pal, IMSC, Chennai
ii) Sanjay H Amrutiya, HRI
iii) A. Morye, HRI



Joao Pedro P dos Santos

Research talk: Vector bundles trivialized by proper morphisms and some applications

Expository: Tannakian categories of vector bundles (2 talks)

Jacques Hurtubise

Research talk: G-bundles on the plane

Expositoy :  Eynard-Orantin invariants.

Tomas Gomez

 Research talk: Hecke transform for symplectic and orthogonal bundles

 Expository: Introduction to the Geometric Langlands Programme

Vicente Munoz

 Moduli spaces of pairs (3 talks)

Ajneet S Dhillon

 Research talk: Essential Dimension and bundle

 Expository: The Brauer group of a scheme

G. Wilkin:

 One research and one expository talk.

Jaume Amoros

 Research talk: Tangent vector fields in projective and Kaehler manifolds

V. Balaji

 Research talk: Parahoric bundles and Parabolic bundles

 Expository: Tensor products and semistability

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