Understanding strongly interacting quantum many body systems is one of the major frontiers in present day physics. Condensed matter physics provides a wide panoply of systems where strong interaction between constituent particles play a dominant role; some examples of such systems are high temperature superconductors, spin-liquids, fractional quantum Hall systems, and ultracold atoms in the strong-coupling regime. Recent additions to this list include topological insulators/superconductors, transition metal oxides and their heterostructures. These materials have the added feature that they have strong spin-orbit coupling. The interplay of strong interactions and strong spin-orbit coupling is presently a frontier area of research in condensed matter physics.
This program aims to introduce graduate students and post-docs to different aspects of strongly interacting systems focusing on ideas which are recently animating the condensed matter community world-wide. The program will consist of a week-long pedagogical lectures from 20.06.2016 to 26.06.2016 on frontier areas, followed by three days of a discussion meeting from 27.06.2016 to 29.06.2016 on related topics, presenting and discussing the latest situation in these areas.
The school lecturers are :
- Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)
- Mohit Randeria ( The Ohio State University)
- Jainendra Jain ( Penn State University)
- Jay D. Sau ( University of Maryland, College Park )
- Kedar Damle (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
- Vijay Shenoy (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
- Diptiman Sen (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Students and post-docs interested in attending this program should click on the link "APPLY" on top of this page and follow the instructions.