This program is first-of-its-kind in India with a specific focus to provide research experience and training to highly motivated students and young researchers in the interdisciplinary field of complex dynamical systems theory that has applications in diverse fields in science and engineering, such as the study of biological systems, atmosphere and oceans, materials and structures, economics and social systems, archaeology and anthropology, languages, and many others.
The specific theme for summer-2016 program is "Geophysical Phenomena".
We especially encourage early graduate students, postdocs, and early faculty to apply for participation. Applications from exceptional advanced undergraduate students may also be considered, depending on their level of preparation.
This two month long program will consist of the following activities:
- 23 May - 04 June: Two-week preparatory summer school. Details of lecturers and topics are given below.
- 23 May - 23 July: Two-month summer research program. A few selected fellows will get a chance to work on a project mentored by an expert in mathematical modeling of geophysical phenomena.
- 18 - 23 July: One-week discussion meeting. The fellows will present their work during the summer, along with talks by other researchers. Considerable time will be reserved for discussions.
- Throughout the summer months, we will also have active seminar series on various mathematical and physical aspects of earth sciences
Speakers at the summer school (23 May - 04 June)
- Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee, HRI, Allahabad: "Introduction to Turbulence"
- Georg Gottwald, University of Sydney, "Stochastic Model Reduction in Climate Science"
- Rama Govindarajan, TCIS/ICTS-TIFR: "Introduction to hydrodynamic stability"
- Michael Hoegele, Universidad de losAndes, Bogotá: "Stochastic climate models with Lévynoise"
- Tudor Ratiu, EPFL Lausanne: TBD
- Jai Sukhatme, CAOS, IISc, Bangalore: "Dynamics of rotating fluids"
- Jean-Luc Thiffeault, University of Wisconsin, Madison: "Stirring, mixing and transport"
We invite to application for any one of the following activities:
(A) Summer school: 23 May - 04 June
(B) Summer school and a summer research project: 23 May - 23 July (You will be required to stay for the entire duration)
(C) Academic visit during 23 May - 23 July (a few days to a few week long visits are possible), for collaboration or presenting a seminar
(D) Academic visit and mentoring a summer project during 23 May - 23 July (minimum 5 weeks of stay at ICTS is required)
Travel and local support is available for all the above categories. Furthermore, the fellows selected for the summer research project will receive an honorarium.
Deadline for applications: 15 April 2016
Detailed instructions for applications:
- You will need to have an account at the ICTS. Please follow the instructions on the webpage for creating an account or logging in with an existing account.
- After logging in, please edit your profile and make sure that the "Institutional Information" and "Contact Information" fields are up to date.
- Students and postdocs: please add details of postgraduate education (M.Sc. / Ph.D. completed or expected etc.).
- In the "Research Interests" field, please give a link to your webpage containing your CV or upload a PDF file of your CV by clicking on "Upload" button or both.
- Student and Post-doc applicants are required to arrange a letter of recommendation by the reference mentioned by them in their ICTS user registration form. The reference should be asked to send the recommendation letter directly to the program email id . The subject of the email should be "Recommendation for <Applicant Name>". Your application will not be considered if we do not receive this letter by 15 April 2016.
- Go to the application form and fill up an application.