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B. Ananthanarayan (IISc, India), Thomas Browder (University of Hawaii, U.S.), Amol Dighe (TIFR, India), Jim Libby (IIT Madras, India), Namit Mahajan (PRL, India), Gagan Mohanty (TIFR, India), Soumitra Nandi (IIT Guwahati, India), Nita Sinha (IMSc, India), Sanjay Kumar Swain (NISER, India) and Guy Wilkinson (University of Oxford, England)
25 April 2022 to 06 May 2022

Flavour physics, the study of weak interactions of quarks and leptons, is in an exciting period with various anomalies observed in the decays of B mesons and processes involving muons, as well as LHC Run-3 starting operation in 2022 while the Belle II B factory steadily accumulating data. Conclusive evidence as to whether this sector of the standard model of particle physics is broken may be just around the corner. The programme will offer a pedagogical introduction to experimental and phenomenological flavour physics through seven brief lecture courses, followed by a three-day topical conference. The lecture courses will introduce flavour phenomenology within the standard model and beyond, as well as explaining the role of quantum chromodynamics. In addition, there will be lectures about the experimental techniques employed at the LHC and in electron-positron collisions. The concluding topical conference will review the latest results and prospects in the field of flavour physics.

Eligibility: Ph.D students in particle physics and above. Final year M.Sc. students may apply if they have done courses and/or project work in particle physics. M.Sc. applicants must supply a letter of recommendation from their teacher or mentor.

ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.

18 April 2022
futureflavours  ictsresin