Frontiers of Cosmology and Gravitation [FOCG] is a comprehensive programme covering frontline areas of research in these fields, It consists of :
A) A School on Cosmology and Gravity Waves, for graduate students and young researchers, to be held in Pune from 1 - 11 December.
B) An International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology [ICGC2011] to be held in Goa from 14 - 19 December. [Registration closes 30th June, 2011]
C) A Workshop on Gravitational Wave Astronomy in Pune from 20 - 23 December.
A principal aim of the programme is to foster extensive interaction between the Indian community of researchers on Gravitation and Cosmology, and visiting international researchers working on these subjects. The School will consist of a set of about six lecture courses on Cosmology and Gravitational Waves, and four expository lectures. The ICGC series of Conferences are held once every four years under the auspices of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG). The 7th ICGC, which will be a Silver Jubilee meeting, will have sixteen plenary lectures by leading international experts, and three parallel Workshop Sessions, spread over three days, for contributed talks. The Workshops will also include three mini-sessions on the topics Gravity as an emergent phenomenon, Dark Energy, and Gravitational Wave Astronomy with Global Networks. The third part of FOCG will bring together leading visiting international researchers from the Gravity Wave community, and members of the Indian community, for interaction and dialogue on sources and detection of gravitational waves, and promotion of research in this area in India.