Geometry Topology and Dynamics in Negative Curvature | ICTS

C S Aravinda (TIFR CAM, India), F T Farrell (Binghamton University, USA), J F Lafont (Ohio State University, USA), S K Roushon (TIFR, India) and Joseph Samuel (RRI, India)
02 August 2010 to 07 August 2010
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore

This is An ICM Satellite Conference.

The conference intends to bring together mathematicians working in various aspects of negative curvature (and more generally, non-positive curvature) and to expose/introduce interested research students in India to these exciting recent developments. 

Please access the following links for more detailed information on:

1) Our distinguished speakers 

2) Registering for the conference

Scientific Committee: M. Davis (OSU at Columbus, USA), P. B. Eberlein (UNC at Chapel Hill, USA), R. S. Kulkarni (IITB, Mumbai, India), P. Ontaneda (SUNY at Binghamton, USA), G. Prasad (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA), M. S. Raghunathan (TIFR, Mumbai, India), R. Spatzier (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
aravinda  mathtifrbngresin