This is An ICM Satellite Conference.
The aim of the conference is to expose research students and working mathematicians in India to the state of the art in these fields, to facilitate their taking up research problems in these areas. The conference will consist of one hour lectures by leading mathematicians in the two areas as well as a few shorter lectures. More informal interactions will also be facilitated. This is an ICM sattelite event.
Scientific Organising Committee:
Gerard Besson (Grenoble), Francis Bonahon (USC), David Gabai (Princeton), Ko Honda (USC), Gang Tian (Princeton)
Local Organising Committee:
Basudeb Datta, Siddhartha Gadgil and Harish Seshadri
Department of Mathematics,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore 560012,
Geometric Topology and Riemannian Geometry are active areas of Mathematics with many close interactions -- for instance the Ricci flow and harmonic maps. The aim of the conference is to expose research students and working mathematicians in India to the state of the art in these fields, to facilitate their taking up research problems in these areas.
The conference will consist of one hour lectures by leading mathematicians in the two areas as well as a few shorter lectures. More informal interactions will also be facilitated.
This is a satellite conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 2010.
Invited Speakers:
Gerard Besson
Michael Hutchings
Ciprian Manolescu
Mahan Mj
Michel Boileau
M. Usher (Univ. of Georgia)
Huijun Fan (Peking Univ)
A. Naber (Princeton)
T. Mabuchi (Osaka)
Stefan Friedl
Sucharit Sarkar
Ron Fintushel
Wilhelm Klingenberg
Ron Stern
Andras Stipsicz
David Gabai
Gang Tian
Fernando Coda Marques
Interested Participants:
If you are interested in participating and have not yet pre-registered, please contact us at gtrg2010@gmail.comand fill out the Pre-registration form.