Understanding anomalous transport and developing a general theory for transport in low-dimensional systems is an important problem in theoretical physics with much practical implications. This program aims at getting together leading researchers in the field and trying to form a consensus on the various known results and discuss strategies and approaches in solving some of the outstanding problems. The first two days of the program will have pedagogic lectures aimed at advanced graduate student.
Invited Speakers: Cedric Bernardin, Giulio Casati, Abhishek Chaudhuri, Abhishek Dhar, Deepak Dhar, Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Peter Grassberger, Bambi Hu, Arun Jayannavar, Joel Lebowitz, Baowen Li, Roberto Livi, Jani Lukkarinen, Pradeep Kumar Mohanty, Carlos Mejia-Monasterio, Onnutom Narayan, Stefano Olla, Tomaz Prosen, Ram Ramaswamy, Sriram Ramaswamy, Sanjib Sabhapandit, Keiji Saito, Herbert Spohn
Lectures: Other than the invited talks the first two days of the workshop will have pedagogic lectures on the following topics. (1) Hydrodynamics approach (2) Mode coupling theory (3) Kinetic theory (4) Exactly solved models (5) Nonequilibrium Green's function approach (6) Heat fluctuation theorems and Linear response theory.
Applications: Interested advanced graduate students and post-doctoral fellows are encouraged to apply for the program. Applicants should write to dabhi@rri.res.in with their CV. Graduate students should arrange to have a letter of recommendation from their advisor mailed directly to dabhi@rri.res.in. (LAST DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: January 15, 2009)

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