Taking into consideration the enormous potential of the growing field of research in cold atoms and ions, the International School and Conference on Cold Ions and Atoms is being organized to provide extensive exposure to the students in a challenging and cutting edge research frontier of today, engaging a wide scientific community across the world, thereby promoting extensive collaborations between different groups.
As the field of cold atoms and ions is vast and growing at a phenomenal pace, it is necessary to have regular schools and conferences on various aspects of it for the benefit of the doctoral students and professional scientists. Considering the potential interdisciplinary applications of this field to explore avenues which till yesterday were thought to be out of reach, it would indeed be desirable to have interactions among the practitioners of this field. In the recent past, a number of schools on this field have been held in various countries of the world. In this school and conference conference we intend to address the following topics related to cold atoms and ions in a focused manner:
(A) Cold atoms in optical lattices
(B) Cold Molecules
(C) Quantum Information and Computation
(D) Metrology
(E) Precision Measurements and Tests of Physics beyond the Standard Model
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