One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the appreciation of the role of topology in quantum condensed matter, which provides fundamental insight into measurable quantities that are insensitive to details. This summer school will consist of mini-courses on the concepts in mathematical topology, quantum Hall effect, topological insulators and topological quantum computation. The lecturers will be world renowned scientists involved in forefront research in these areas.
The school is aimed at students who are interested in pursuing research in physics. These could include first or second year MSc students in physics or mathematics, beginning Ph.D. students in physics, or BE/B-Tech students in various branches of engineering who wish to pursue physics. It will be expected that the students have been exposed to elementary quantum mechanics, but we will make a serious attempt to keep the course as self contained as possible by including a substantial amount of preparatory material during the first week. The lectures will be followed by home assignment problems and tutorials.

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