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Local Faculty:

  1. Sandhya Koushika, DBS, TIFR, Mumbai
  2. Pramod A Pullarkat, RRI, India
  3. Ambarish Kunwar, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
  4. R. Rangith, IIT Bombay, Mymbai, India
  5. John Mercer, Instem, Bengaluru, India
  6. Roop Mallik, DBS, TIFR, Mumbai (Co-Organizer)
  7. Dulal Panda, IIT Bombay (Professor) (Co-Organizer)
  8. Krishanu Ray, DBS, TIFR, India (Organizer)


Overseas Faculty:

  1. Peter Baas, Drexel University, USA
  2. Anna Akhmanova, Utrecht University, Netherlands (Workshop only)
  3. William Saxton, UCSC, USA
  4. Yishi Jin, UCSD, USA (Workshop only)
  5. Scott Brady, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  6. Michel Steinmetz, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland 
  7. Peter Hollenbeck, Purdue University, USA
  8. Subhojit Roy, UCSD, USA (Co-Organizer)
  9. Gautam Menon, NUS, Singapore and IMSc, Chennai