The aim of the School will be to introduce graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to essential ideas and recent developments related to the physics of the early universe. The School will begin with lectures on cosmological perturbation theory and alternative paradigms (such as inflation and the bouncing scenarios) for the generation of the primordial perturbations. They will be followed by lectures on the relation between models of the early universe and particle physics as well as comparison of these models with the available and forthcoming cosmological data. These lectures will be complemented with lectures on topics of considerable interest today such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy and the generation of gravitational waves in the early universe and their observational imprints.
Eligibility criteria: The meeting will be open to Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty working in the area. We also intend to permit senior Master's and advanced undergraduate students to participate in the program, depending on the demand.