No living organism escapes evolutionary change, and evolutionary biology thus connects all biological disciplines. To understand the processes driving evolution, we need a theoretical framework to predict and test evolutionary changes in populations. Population genetic theory provides this basic framework, integrating mathematical and statistical concepts with fundamental biological principles of genetic inheritance, selection, mutation, migration and random genetic drift. Population genetic models allow us to make quantitative predictions that can inform an experimentalist while designing new experiments, and give us a deeper understanding of how evolution works. The ICTS schools on population genetics and evolution, organized biennially since 2014, introduce students to fundamental concepts as well as the latest advances in population genetic theory.
In the sixth edition of the school, over 2 intense weeks, students from diverse biological and mathematical backgrounds will learn and think about several topics in experimental evolution, molecular evolution, and population genetics. Topics will be taught by experienced lecturers who will introduce students to basic concepts and build up to advanced topics in their area of expertise. Research seminars by faculty working in India will allow students to think about relevant ongoing work in the country, and poster sessions will allow participants to discuss their work with peers.
Eligibility criteria: We encourage students from any field of science or mathematics to apply, as long as they have a deep interest in evolutionary biology. Previous coursework or exposure to evolutionary biology or ecology is helpful but not necessary.
We typically select participants with some prior training in their own field, e.g. PhD students or postdoctoral fellows. In exceptional cases we will accept senior MSc students, e.g. those who already have substantial research experience. We anticipate accepting several students who have attended prior iterations of the school, including the 2023 preparatory school.
Participation is not limited to Indian students, and we welcome applications from other Asian or African countries. We have some travel support for international students, so please do apply!
Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.