'Fluctuation-and-noise' are themes that are common in the study of living systems, starting from molecular and cellular levels to higher levels of biological organization. Interestingly, instead of suppressing or filtering out the noise, a cell often exploits it to drive many of its intracellular and extracellular processes. Some of these noise-exploiting processes are essential for the survival of the cell, while some others occur in anticipation, essentially to enable the cell to overcome adverse conditions in future. Not surprisingly, concepts and techniques of statistical physics, particularly those drawn from stochastic thermodynamics, kinetics, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and nonlinear dynamics, have been used very effectively in recent decades, to unveil many mysteries of stochastic processes that are associated with 'life'.
The ICTS program 'Statistical Biological Physics: From Single Molecule to Cell' intends to bring statistical physicists, molecular cell biologists, system biologists, physical chemists and mathematical biologists, to an interdisciplinary meeting focussing on the common theme of 'fluctuations-and-noise' in stochastic biological processes. The common conceptual themes and theoretical techniques (both mathematical and computational) and their applications to subcellular and cellular phenomena will be presented by leading theorists. The successes and limitations of the new powerful experimental techniques developed over the last few years for probing these phenomena and the current technical challenges, will be discussed by renowned experimentalists.
This program will provide a platform for theorists and experimentalists to exchange ideas, thereby enriching science across disciplinary boundaries. Participation of emerging scientists (mostly senior Ph.D. students and postdocs) will benefit from the program as it will deepen their knowledge and insights, both in terms of methods and applications, at the interface of statistical physics and biology.
Eligibility Criteria:
Research scholars already registered for Ph.D. at recognized Universities, IITs, IISERs, NISER, research institutes are eligible to apply provided the applicant's area of research is covered by the main topics of this program. A final year student of 2-year M.Sc. program or 5-year Integrated M.Sc. program or M.S. is also eligible to apply if the applicant is carrying out any project work on a topic related to this program under the guidance of a faculty member of a recognized university, IISc, IIT, IISER, NISER or an equivalent institution. Exceptions can be made for undergraduate candidates with proven record of academic excellence. Applicants are expected to provide a brief write up of their research project in the statement of purpose and how attending this workshop is going to help them. Shortlisting will be done on the basis of their academic record and statement of purpose. Merely satisfying the eligibility criteria does not automatically guarantee selection because the number of participants who can be accommodated is very limited.