The Indian summer monsoon is a dramatic multiscale event that has a profound impact on the food security of a billion people. Present predictions for each year's rainfall are often wide of the mark. Moreover a basic description of the dynamical system of the Indian summer monsoon as well as its spatio-temporal variability is an open problem. In order to address these issues, the ICTS Monsoon Initiative focuses on two research themes.
- Statistical studies and reduced order models of monsoon dynamics: We employ data-driven studies to uncover spatio-temporal patterns in climate variables, such as rainfall, as well as trends in transitions between these patterns. We aim to use these patterns to build models that capture the essential physics of the Indian Monsoon at a variety of length and time scales.
- Microphysics of clouds: We conduct fluid dynamical simulations at the scale of an individual monsoon cloud. The goal is to understand the interrelations between vorticity, phase transition and the resultant inhomogenous bouyancy. A good description of clouds is probably the weakest link in climate models, and our long-term studies will help bridge this.
Understanding a phenomenon as complicated and varied as the Indian Summer Monsoon requires a multi-discplinary approach. We maintain close connections with preeminent researchers in atmospheric science and related areas, within India and across the world. In addition, The ICTS Monsoon Initiative envisions growing in strength at all levels. Interested faculty, postdocs and students are invited to get in touch with any of the core members (hyperlink to the above listed faculty at ICTS) about opportunities.