We analyze the soft graviton theorem in arbitrary dimensions under compactification on a circle. This gives the soft behaviors of the graviton, vector and scalar particles in one lower dimension. For the case of the soft vector field, we also explicitly check the result obtained from compactification by computing the amplitudes with external massive spin-2 and massless finite energy states. The former are the Kaluza Klein excitations resulting from the compactification of metric field. Describing the interaction of the KK modes with the vector field at each level by the minimally coupled Fierz Pauli Lagrangian, we find agreement with the result obtained from compactification if the gyromagnetic ratio in the minimally coupled Fierz Pauli action is taken to be g=1.
Mritunjay Kumar (National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Italy)
Date & Time
Thu, 05 March 2020, 16:00 to 17:30
Emmy Noether Seminar Room, ICTS Campus, Bangalore