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Emil Mallmin (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Date & Time
Thu, 27 May 2021, 15:00 to 16:30
Online Seminar

The presence of steady-state currents of matter or energy is the defining feature of a nonequilibrium system. The fluctuations of such currents can be studied using large deviation theory which has revealed the existence of universal symmetries (fluctuation relations) and dynamical phase transitions. In this talk I will explain our recent results that extend dynamical large deviation theory to a ubiquitous class of models in physics and other fields: diffusion processes with reflecting boundaries. As a an application of these tools, we derive how atypical currents arise in a model of heterogeneous volume-excluding particles on a ring.

This talk is based on the preprint arxiv:2102.04846 co-authored with Johan du Buisson and Hugo Touchette.

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