I will review some recent developments in the study of black holes and the information paradox. I will describe the importance of classic results from statistical mechanics and quantum-information theory in these developments. I will also explain the unusual localization of quantum information in quantum gravity --- an insight that emerges from a study of black holes but appears to be a more general property of gravitational theories.
References : A pedagogical review aimed at a broad physics audience is: S. Raju, "Lessons from the information paradox",Phys.Rept. 943 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2021.10.001 (arXiv:2012.05770)
A set of pedagogical lectures is available here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-YA8uOwUlACfn49iD7TvA/videos?view=0&sort=da&flow=grid
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