Devendra Singh Bhakuni (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel)
Date & Time
Tue, 11 October 2022, 15:00 to 16:30
Online and Emmy Noether Seminar Room
Universality and scale invariance play a crucial role in understanding the properties of a physical system both in and out of equilibrium. By generalizing the concept of classical surface roughness to quantum systems, I will discuss the emergence of universality and dynamical scaling in quantum critical systems with fractal eigenstates. A relationship between the critical exponents and the fractal dimension will be presented.
Zoom link: https://icts-res-in.zoom.us/j/85421997122?pwd=M3FFS1d6Y0txSm9nTytEK2wxR1lXZz09
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Passcode: 112211