Sameer Murthy (King's College London,UK)
Date & Time
Thu, 22 December 2022, 11:30 to 13:00
Online and Madhava Lecture Hall

I will revisit the quantum entropy of extremal black holes which is defined as a path integral in the near-horizon AdS2 region. This has been studied in the past using different methods: loop calculations give rise to leading logarithmic corrections to the area law, and localization gives rise to a sum over all perturbative corrections. 

The new development has to do with the exact treatment of the zero-modes that appear in the near-horizon region, which can be described by the Schwarzian action at small temperatures. I will show how this allows us to (1) calculate the non-perturbative effects in the localization calculation, so as to get integers degeneracies out of gravity, and (2) control the zero-temperature limit properly for extremal (not necessarily supersymmetric) black holes, leading to new logarithmic effects. 

It will be an informal talk based on the papers ,

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