Many solids in our environment possess an amorphous structure and exist in non-equilibrium states. This category encompasses a wide array of materials, ranging from high-strength substances like glass, plastics, and cement to softer, adaptable materials like sand, pastes, and biological matter. These solids form under non-equilibrium
conditions such as compression, shear deformation, rapid cooling, aggregation, and biological processes. These materials exhibit intriguing stress patterns, like force chains in granular materials or trapped stresses in Prince Rupert’s glass, leading to unique mechanical properties. However, the role of flow properties in the onset of rigidity transition remains poorly understood. Understanding this is crucial for developing a unified framework for rigidity transition in non-equilibrium systems. In my talk, I'll discuss this using examples from granular matter, yield stress fluids, dense suspensions, soft particulate gels, and glasses, and discuss open challenges. The complexity of their flow behavior stems from underlying structural and temporal correlations. Understanding how these complex flows cease in materials has significant practical implications and offers a pathway to designing solids with desired mechanical responses.
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