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Past seminars
Title Speaker Date and Time Resources
Frustration and fidelity in influenza genome assembly Mukund Thattai (NCBS-TIFR) Fri, 06 December 2019, 16:00
Transient Convective Spin Up Dynamics Ravichandran (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA), Stockholm) Tue, 03 December 2019, 15:30
Lightcone OPE in a CFT with lowest twist scalar primary Atanu Bhatta (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Thu, 28 November 2019, 16:00
Allosteric Regulation of the AMPA Receptor-Channel Shreyas Kaptan (Frei University of Berlin, Germany) Wed, 27 November 2019, 15:00
Approximating Profile Maximum Likelihood Efficiently: New Bounds on the Bethe Permanent Moses Charikar (Stanford University, California, USA) Wed, 27 November 2019, 14:00
The Sensitivity Conjecture: a proof from the book and connections to physics. Moses Charikar (Stanford University, California, USA) Wed, 27 November 2019, 11:30
Particles in turbulent flows: a model system to understand rain and planet formation Akshay Bhatnagar (NORDITA- Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm) Mon, 25 November 2019, 11:00
Mechanics of Immersed Collision and Granular Systems Sumit Kumar Birwa (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) Mon, 11 November 2019, 16:00
Controlling contractile instabilities in the actomyosin cortex Masatoshi Nishikawa (Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan) Tue, 05 November 2019, 14:00
Correlations in multispecies exclusion processes Arvind Ayyer (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Fri, 01 November 2019, 14:15
Status of Soft Theorem in D=4 (Its classical limit and understanding as Ward identity) Biswajit Sahoo (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad) Thu, 31 October 2019, 16:00
Odd viscosity and elasticity in active materials Debarghya Banerjee (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation) Thu, 31 October 2019, 14:00
A study of OPE blocks and modular Hamiltonian in AdS_3/CFT_2 Suchetan Das (Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University) Wed, 30 October 2019, 16:00
Exploring gravitational-wave astrophysics: Source modeling, tests of  general relativity, and gravitational lensing Ajit Kumar Mehta (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) Wed, 30 October 2019, 10:00
Simplifying gravity by avoiding it: the tale of the double copy Siddharth G Prabhu (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) Fri, 25 October 2019, 16:00
Constraints on CFTs in large dimensions Abhijit Gadde, (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) Thu, 24 October 2019, 16:00
An Entropy current on the large D membrane for Einstein Gauss-Bonnet theory Yogesh Dandekar (ICTS-TIFR, Bangalore) Thu, 17 October 2019, 16:00
Hydrodynamics of Active Defects: from chaos to defect ordering and patterning Suraj Shankar (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA) Wed, 16 October 2019, 16:00
Weak Convergence Methods in Large Deviation Problems Amarjit Budhiraja (University of North Carolina, USA) Wed, 16 October 2019, 14:00
Recent developments in large N Chern-Simons-matter theories Naveen Prabhakar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) Fri, 11 October 2019, 14:30
