It has long been known that there is a deep connection between Mathematics and Music. In this talk, Purnaprajna shows how modern algebraic geometry inspired by ideas and methods of Alexander Grothendieck sheds light on the connection between different genres of music. He develops a meta geometric framework which gives raise to the so called “Metaraga system” — a system with its own grammar and syntax. This integrates elements of Indian and Western classical music, jazz and the blues. Moreover it gives rise to a music with no vantage point of east or west. This power point presentation will contain both audio and visual elements to illustrate some of the thoughts mentioned above.
Followed by the Music Concert
About the Artists:
Purnaprajna Bangere comes from an important school of violin players in India. He had rigorous training under the well-known south Indian violinist and a teacher of great repute H.K. Narasimhamurthy. He has been invited to give solo recitals in various prestigious venues such as Learnquest music festival in Boston, Cleveland Tyagaraja Music festival, Toronto Music festival and Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Purnaprajna has recently come up with a geometric framework to explore integration of various genres and is currently working on it with David Balakrishnan, the multi Grammy winning director of the well-known musical group Turtle Island String quartet. His CD “Metaraga” with his bandmates David Balakrishnan, Jeff Harshbarger and Amit Kavthekar that explores this new music, will be released under the well-known label Origin Records in January 2020. He is a professor of Mathematics (and Music) at the University of Kansas, Lawrence in USA.
Vidwan G.S. Ramanujan is one of the leading and sought-after percussion artists of Karnataka. G S Ramanujan a deeply trained disciple of Vidwan P. G. Lakshminayarana, hails from a family of musicians. He has accompanied almost all senior and leading artists of Carnatic music on both Mridangam and Ghatam. Among senior musicians he has accompanied are Dr. Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer, M.Balamuralikrishna, R.K.Srikantan,T.N. Krishnan, Lalgudi G Jayaraman, Parur M.S. Gopalakrishnan, N.Ramani, T.V. Shakaranarayanan and Madurai T.N.Sheshagopalan. He has won many prestigious prizes and awards, including the First prize in A I R music competition, and Ganakala Kasturi award from Ganakala parishat, Bangalore. He has played in several of the major venues of Carnatic music. He is also a recently retired professor of economics from Mahajana’s college in Mysore.
Vidwan V. S. Ramesh is a leading morsing artist of Karnataka. He had his training under Vidwan P. G. Lakshminayarana. He also is a versatile percussion player and plays mridangam and Ghatam as well. On Morsing he has accompanied some of the leading senior artists of Carnatic music such as M. S. Gopalakrishnan, T. R. Mahalingam and Dr. M Balamuralikrishna among others. He was appointed Guru in Guru Shisya Parampara by South Zone cultural center and is a A grade artist in morsing for All India Radio and played in a number of prestigious events such as Radio Sangeet Sammelan, AIR national programmes and Doordarshan national programme. He has also been honored by a number of leading organizations.

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