Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) dealing with the coupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom of massive and mass-less particles has led to several fundamental consequences in diverse fields of physics ranging from atomic, and condensed matter to classical and quantum optics. This phenomenon has led to a number of intriguing and nontrivial optical effects such as spin an orbital Hall effect of light, optical Rashba effect, photonic Aharonov-Bohm effect, rotational Doppler effect, transverse spin, Belinfante's spin momentum, and spin-momentum locking. It has opened up an emerging and fast-growing field, namely, 'Spin-orbit photonics', having a plethora of applications in both classical and quantum information processing. The intent of the discussion meeting is to summarize the current state of research in this promising field that is breaking new grounds. We aim to stimulate new ideas and encourage further research.
There will be a few pedagogical lectures on the first and second day of the meeting, followed by more advanced topics on recent developments in the remaining days.
Topics to be covered
- Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of light and geometrical phase
- Transverse spin and momentum in structured light
- Spin-controlled photonics using metasurfaces and structured light
- Optical weak measurements
- Interaction of structured light with atomic systems
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory, and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.
Eligibility Criteria: Participation is by invitation. A small number of highly motivated senior undergraduates, young researchers and faculty members can also be considered based on their CVs.